How do digital technologies support the healthcare sector to manage COVID-19 pandemic?

Social Distancing has become an established concept these days to prevent the spread of COVID-19, and digital technologies play a significant role in reducing the perceived distance in our social networks during country lockdowns and medical emergency declarations. Even people who are not well-versed with digital technologies have now started using various digital platforms to improve their social and professional lives. Similarly, the healthcare industry has also started to rely more on various digital technologies due to its massive opportunities during the crisis. With the help of various digital technologies, countries follow several public-health strategies to tackle clinical complications and diseases. Some countries attempt to control the pandemic by extreme quarantine measures (China locked down over 60 million people in Hubai) [1], and detailed contact tracing (Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea) [2] to control the infection and prevent the spread of COVID-19. However, the impact of COVID-19 on the world economy is more than the previous pandemic SARS as the COVID-19 is more contagious and fast-spreading [3].

Through this blog, I would like to explore the potential applications of the inter-related digital technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI) that uses Deep Learning, and Blockchain Technology that can impact the public health strategies during COVID-19 outbreak. The proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT) (such as devices and instruments that are connected to the Internet) in the healthcare industry facilitates the establishment of an organized digital ecosystem that helps to collect real-time data. The data collected can be used by AI and deep learning algorithms to understand the trends of healthcare, model the risk associations, and predict the results and consequences. This data can be enhanced with the help of blockchain technology by a back-linking database with cryptographic protocols [4]. In addition, the blockchain technology will help to integrate a network of distributed computers in various organizations, and multiple physical locations and incorporate the peer-to-peer networks to ensure the data are traceable and secure.

Deployment of digital technologies for monitoring, detection, and prevention of COVID-19
1. Access to real-time data to monitor the pandemic

The Internet of Thing (IoT) technology platforms allow the public-health agencies and people to access real-time data for tracking the pandemic.

  • The Worldometer website provides the worldwide updates on COVID-19 pandemic with information such as total corona cases, severity and country-wise disease distribution (number of daily new cases, recovered cases, active cases, deaths, critical patients, total cases per million population, death per million population, total tests, and tests per million population) [5].
  • In addition, Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Systems Science and Engineering developed a dashboard tracking the real-time COVID-19 country-wise spread using the data collected from WHO [6], CDC [7], ECDC [8], NHC [9], DXY [10], 1point3acres [11], [12], BNO [13], government health departments, and local media reports [14].
  • Additionally, database such as and also provide live tracking of risk areas [15][16].
2. Enhance public-health education and communication

Digital technologies helped to improve public-health awareness and enhance communication.

  • Healthcare agencies currently use social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to provide real-time updates and uncertainties regarding COVID-19 with the public [17].
  • WhatsApp allows the public to receive accurate information (e.g., WHO), and the government initiatives on COVID-19 pandemic [18].

However, there are many false news, and misleading theories came out during the outbreak. Hence the government organizations are now working with tech giants like Google, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to tackle the dissemination of false and misleading claims [19].

3. Improve epidemic prevention and control
  • Autonomous robots, such as UVD (UV Disinfection) robots are helping to disinfect the hospitals using UV light for eradicating coronavirus infections. These robots use the UV disinfecting technology, which uses the powerful short-wavelength ultra-violet-C (UVC) lights to emit energy to destroy the microorganisms [20].
  • The Intelligent System manufacturers such as Leishen made LiDARS empower robotics to deliver services, disinfection, cleaning, and people temperature measurement for preventing and controlling the epidemic [21].
  • The facial-recognition companies such as SenseTime and Sunell adopted the thermal imaging system to recognize people, collect real-time data, and identify people with the unusual temperature at various screening points [22].
4. Forecasting of disease by performing modeling studies

In order to enhance the preparation for an outbreak, Big Data provides opportunities for performing modeling studies of diseases and pathological activities. This can guide the country policymakers to understand potential diseases, growth possibilities, and areas of spreading. In addition, these modeling studies also provide information regarding the preparedness and vulnerability of countries in fighting a disease outbreak and raise awareness for betterment.

  • A model study was performed on COVID-19 nowcasting and forecasting disease activity within and outside China with the help of databases such as OAG (the Official Aviation Guide), Tencent (the location-based services), and the Wuhan Municipal Transportation Management Bureau. This modeling study helps the health authorities for planning and controlling the public-health [23].
  • Also, with the help of the State Parties Self-Assessment Annual Reporting Tool, the WHO International Health Regulations, Joint External Evaluation reports, and the Infectious Disease Vulnerability Index, another modeling study was conducted on the preparedness and vulnerability of African countries for battling against COVID-19 [24].
5. Enhance the detection and diagnosis

The need for alternative diagnostic and screening tests for COVID-19 is necessary due to the high cost of the diagnosis, lack of enough tests, and an increase in the number of cases.  With the help of a large dataset, AI and deep learning can help in the detection and diagnosis of COVID-19 [25].

  • China has a large dataset of COVID-19 cases, and these data are ideal datasets for AI and deep learning [26]. These AI algorithms can be used for the initial screening of suspected cases or more exposed cases based on their travel history. These datasets can help to find out the higher risk cases and confirm with the help of the laboratory test after the initial screening.
  • Additionally, AI algorithms can help physicians to distinguish the situation of patients as mild, moderate, and severe and the risk of mortality. Further, AI can also facilitate the discovery of medicine for treating and vaccine for preventing COVID-19.
Deployment of digital technologies in clinical services

Digital technologies are being deployed in multiple ways in clinical services in order to reduce the workload of medical team.

1. Remote clinical and diagnostic services with the help of virtual clinics

The reduction or closure of healthcare facilities and medical appointment postponements were the initial reactions in many countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the pandemic could last several months, and hence the use of different forms of digital technology is an excellent choice to improve the situation.

Virtual Clinics: China used IoT digital technology for the partial replacement of clinics by virtual clinics such as PingAn. Virtual clinics use the telemedicine consultations with the help of the uploaded imaging data such as chest X-ray and CT scan of the throat. These medical data uploaded were also interpreted remotely. In addition, this digital technology helps to ensure standard clinical support and to reduce the physical crowding of patients in hospitals [27].

E-learning platforms: In addition, virtual e-learning platforms help to improve hospital research and education activities, and the technology eliminates physical meetings during the pandemic [28].

2. Reduce the clinical load of physicians by making use of artificial intelligence

The use of digital technology, such as artificial intelligence (AI) based triage systems, considerably reduces the clinical workloads of medical practitioners.

Public inquiries: The online medical chatbot helps to provide information regarding the importance of hand hygiene, recognize early symptoms of the patients, and refer further treatments for the people with serious indications [29].

Diagnose medical conditions: In addition, the phone-based software helps to collect patients’ daily records such as daily temperature variations and other symptoms. This technology helps physicians from unnecessary hospital consultations for patients with mild symptoms, and data collected can also be used in AI algorithms for the detection of COVID-19 [30][31].

3. Deliver medication and services to patients using blockchain technology

The hospitals in China are using the blockchain technology by collaborating with pharmacies, medical team and blockchain companies to deliver medications to the patient’s doorsteps.

Distribution of medication: The blockchain technology helps to track and ensure timely delivery of medications to the local pharmacies and the patients regularly [32].


In the current pandemic scenario of COVID-19 outbreak, the impact of digital technology in healthcare is significant for disease surveillance, real-time updates, good quality data for analysis, modeling, and forecasting. So, in order to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic, a wide range of digital technology is necessary for enhancing the efficiency of public health strategies. Overall, this pandemic crisis provides great opportunities for digital technologies as they have a massive impact on successful management, prevention, and control of the outbreak.





[4] Daniel Shu Wei Ting et al., Nature Medicine, 19, 2020.



















[23] Wu J T et al., Lancet, 395, 2020, 689–697.

[24] Gilbert M et al. Lancet, 395, 2020, 871–877.













  1. An interesting piece, Elizabeth. There is no doubt that digital technology has come to the forefront during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the future, I have no doubt that technologies such as AI and machine learning will become more common place in healthcare, and I can only see doctors, nurses, physicians, surgeons, and ultimately patients benefiting from this.

    I shall certainly be sharing this.

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